Friday, June 29, 2007

My day off

Thursday has become my traditional day off. I do need a day off and I figured what better day than Thursday? It's the day before the weekend starts and the day all my spamalot friends have off which means I end up going out on wednesday nights.

Lately i've had a real interest in learning a new game. Not just learning a new game but becoming good. I feel very comfortable in holdem, omaha hi and 8/b games. It's time to add some new weapons to the arsonal. The weapon of choice? Razz. I don't play HORSE games because I feel i'm dead money at both stud games.
I chose Razz simply because there are alot bigger games to be had online. Plus, it's alot of fun. I've been sitting here for the last hour or so playing 3/6 razz on ftp and listening to the final table of the 50k horse event on

I really feel like i'm getting a solid grasp of the game. I have a very natural agression in poker but this game calms me down a bit being a limit game. Bluffing based on your up cards on 4th or 5th street is easy and instinctive and i'm quickly becoming very comortable in the game. Hopefully over the next couple weeks I can become a regular at some of the bigger games. I need to show a consistant profit at the smaller levels before I allow myself to put a bigger part of my bankroll at risk. It's just smart...

Wednesday was one of those days I couldn't bear to drag my lazy ass to the tables. I somehow managed to do it for a few hours and was able to make enough to let myself feel like I actually accomplished something for the day. I decided to stick with pot limit omaha most the day. If there are full 5/10 PLO games I prefer to play in them over holdem. I'll sit in a full 10/20 game and i've even sat in a full 25/50 game a time or two. There's alot more action and -alot- of bit pots in pot limit omaha. It's an action junkies dream come true.

On a bit of a side note... I've said in past blogs that my motivation at times has been slipping. I've been fixing that lately and it's been showing in my results. This is directed at you BRAD since you're my biggest critic as far as being lazy goes. Over the winter when I didn't feel like playing....I didn't play. I've now adapted at least some form of forcing myself to play even when I don't "feel like it". I'm setting some pretty agressive goals for myself to finish off the year.. I'll need to keep this kind of attitude if i'm going to succeed. I'll have more on that in a week or two once I work out the details. For now it's just the focus of keeping my distractions small and my pots big.

Catch you all tomorrow..

Wednesday session results +1900

1 comment:

Chawwles said...

Obviously I'm not one to be saying anything on the subject of professional poker, but from what I've noticed in the past mixing up the games you play is the best way to keep yourself interested in the game.

Also, it's apparent that I'm not the player I thought I was so my opinions will fall upon deaf ears most of the time, but how can you not LOVE razz?? There's so many bad players online that even with half the skill that YOU have at HE and Omaha, you have to be able to pull down a profit at the smaller games consistently. I'd expect it won't take you long...